・オリジナル専用バッグ (Original roll-up Pouch)
・帆布 (Cotton canvas)
・本藍染 Aauthentic Japanese indigo dyed)
・真田紐付 (The cord that wraps the pouch to bind it when it is rolled up is a pure silk "Sanada-himo" made by a craftsman of long standing in Kyoto)
<Color: Navy>
・広げた時のサイズ(Size when it is open)
32cm x 19.5cm
・上部を折った時のサイズ(Size when the top part is folded)
19cm x 19.5cm
単品:持ち歩き用袋【紐・紺色】(Single Item: Roll-up Pouch)(Color of the code: Navy)
消費税抜き |